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Quality Life Network

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Quality Life Network

the network for the 21st Century

This network provides you with the opportunity to associate with others who share an interest in Natural Philosophy and associated subjects. It enables you to meet like-minded people in a social manner, and exchange information and services with them that will improve your quality of life.

Quite simply we recognise the omnipotent influence of the natural universe and endeavour to live more in harmony with natural laws so as to gain the best advantage for our own optimum health, well-being and satisfaction.

With better awareness of natural laws and processes we have the ability to maintain our own quality of life in the best way possible without prejudicing the future. We can also pass on this advantage to the benefit of loved-ones and others around us.

We have the advantage of being able to sustain ourselves without the intervention of pseudo-science that can have an adverse effect on health and well-being of both people and the environment in the long term.

Being able to apply natural practices gives one the chance of being able to survive adverse events which may wreak havoc in modern society dependent as it is so much on unnatural things.

If this introduction appeals to you, feel free to participate in the Quality Life Network.


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Copyright © 2005 - 2012 Tim Leitch
 Last modified: 24 Apr 2012

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